The Sheepdog Coalition

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Saturday, July 2, 2011

New contest for month of july!

Yes, we're hosting another contest for the month of July, 2011.

We've been given an autographed copy of John Smith's The Wolf and the Sheepdog - a fiction work regarding the 'hot calls' that the author has been on in his career as a major metropolitan law enforcement officer.

We'll be reviewing this book as part of a two part series: both parts will be posted here as they are completed.



As an added bonus, we'll throw in a hand made paracord project and a bunch of stickers. I'll post a picture as soon as it's wrapped up.

Rules are easy: Post on our youtube page or our facebook page replying to the following question; What makes a civilian sheepdog? The post with the most 'likes' gets the prize. I like to run contests on social networking sites for a number of reasons - but mainly because it takes the 'results' out of my hands. It's up to the community to find the winner. One post per person - make it good.

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